Friday, August 19, 2011

Automatic Wallpaper Changer 4.9.1 Full

ATPA soft - Automatic Wallpaper Changer (AWC) 4.9.1 Full

Ini dia software yang fungsinya dapat merubah-rubah gambar wallpaper pada desktop kompi teman-teman secara otomatis sesuai waktu yang kita atur. Nama software ini adalah Automatic Wallpaper Changer atau biasa disingkat AWC, software ini buatan Steve Murphy. Pada saat saya buat artikel ini Versi AWC paling terbaru adalah AWC 4.9.1 dirilis pada 20 Desember 2010 yang lalu, apa saja perbaikan dari versi sebelumnya, Check it out !!

Perbaikan yang dilakukan pada versi 4.9.1 :
  • New option to display the comment that you've added to a file on the screen
  • You can now edit the file comments in either file or folder mode.
  • Added the ability to use EXIF geotag information stored in the image to open Google Earth at the location the picture was taken. This was inspired by the way the iPhone stores latitude and longitude when you take a picture.
  • New option that allows you to simply open the folder containing the image file in Windows Explorer when you opt to edit a file.
  • Fix to problem where, when tiling pictures, AWC could enter a locked state and show very high CPU usage.
  • Initial fix for Windows 7 problem where multiple monitor systems only displayed properly if the monitors were physically laid out as Monitor1, Monitor2 etc. If Monitor2 was to the left of Monitor1 the image layout was wrong. The problem is due to Microsoft changing the way the desktop is displayed in order to support its own, very limited, Wallpaper changer, so virtual screen positioning is ignored. This is still not a complete fix as the monitors must be laid out next to each other (in any order), they cannot be one above the other yet. I'm still working on that.
  • The speed with which meta-data can be extracted from files when using advanced searching options has been greatly improved.
  • The preferences page previously called File name has been renamed Caption.
  • You can now select to display different items as a caption on the image: file name, file comment and original image date.
  • Moved the option that defines whether to use the created or modified date of the file to the General preferences page.
  • Added a new page to the Preferences screen to allow the user to manage which file extensions should be treated as image files. Along with the previously supported file formats I've added a number of others: TIF, PSD (photoshop), and Camera RAW.
  • Camera RAW formats for a large number of camera manufacturers are now loadable. Go to the new Extensions page of the Preferences screen and tick the formats you want to load. Note that the appalling lack of standardisation for RAW formats, even from the same manufacturer, means that some files work but others of ostensibly the same format don't. In particular EXIF metadata retrieval can be a bit hit or miss.
  • AWC can now be set to pause the change process if there is an application running full screen: typically video players or games.
  • Fix to an issue where a corrupt image file could be loaded without detection and then lock up AWC when it tried to display it. My thanks to Moverickslayer for pinning down the culprit and for all his feedback from beta-testing the new version.
  • Fixed small issue where loading a new theme, in which the image position was different from the current one, resulted in the current wallpaper being redisplayed in the new position before the new theme loaded.
  • If an image is redisplayed after editing the timer is now reset to full duration so you get enough time to enjoy the changed image.

Cara menggunakan AWC :
  1. Download AWC 4.9.1 disini
  2. Setelah selesai download, Instal Software tersebut
  3. Jika sudah selesai proses instalasi, maka AWC dikompi kamu masih dalam versi trial selama 28 Hari
  4. Untuk membuatnya jadi Full Version, download Serial Numbernya disini, kemudian masuk ke AWC yang telah kamu instal tadi, pilih tab Help >> Enter Registration Code setelah itu masukan serial yang kamu download tadi
  5. Kalau sudah Full Version baru kita atur cara penggunannya, pertama klik Add untuk memilih folder berisi gambar yang ingin dijadikan wallpaper secara otomatis
  6. Klik folder yang kamu inginkan dan klik OK
  7. Pada Time ada 3 bagian yaitu JAM (kiri), MENIT (tengah) dan DETIK (kanan). Atur waktu untuk mengganti wallpaper secara otomatis, misal kita setting 00:00:40 jadi setiap 40 detik sekali wallpaper desktop akan berubah secara otomatis. Setelah selesai mengatur waktu klik Change
  8. Agar AWC berjalan otomatis saat Startup, masuk ke Preferences >> tandai "Run automatically on Windows log in" >> Klik OK
  9. Setelah semua pengaturan disesuaikan, klik Save untuk menyimpan pengaturan yang dilakukan tadi dan Minimize AWC dari desktop
  10. Lihat wallpaper desktop kamu sekarang, telah berubah sesuai pengaturan yang kamu lakukan tadi.

Selamat Mencoba dan semoga berhasil. Jika ada yang belum jelas atau ada yang ingin ditanyakan silahkan komentar dibawah artikel ini.
Salam saya Cowo Baek.

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